How Is Hiking Good For You? Heart, Back, Knees, Pregnancy…


Hiking is a good source of exercise. It involves testing your endurance and finding your way through outdoor terrain.

For those who do not like to exercise indoors or at the gym, hiking is a great alternative. You can get fresh air when you hike and explore the nature God has put on this earth for us to enjoy.

Some may question whether or not hiking is terrible for them in regards to their health and status. Listed below are some common questions people may ask regarding hiking and its pros and cons.

Can hiking be bad for you?

hiking daily Hiking is a form of exercise. It can not only benefit you physically, but it can benefit you mentally:

  • Physically, you are working your muscles and performing cardio.
  • Mentally, hiking is peaceful, and you can listen to the ambiance of nature’s sounds. You can relax when you hike and get your mind in a positive space. You can reflect on your thoughts when you hike and realize what’s important to you in your life.

Hiking off the grid without knowing where you’re going can become dangerous because you do not want to get lost, but overall, hiking is something that everyone should participate in.

Just because you hike does not mean you have to be intense with it and walk miles. Even a small hike through the woods will benefit your body, mind, and soul.

Even doctors will recommend hiking and getting outdoors. Nowadays, many people are always cooped up in their houses and on social media and do not take advantage of the outdoors. People forget that the outdoors has a sense of serenity and peace.

Hiking alone can potentially be dangerous if you fall or danger confronts you through wildlife, so if you can bring a buddy to hike with, that is always beneficial. Overall, though, the answer would be that the benefits of hiking outweigh the negatives.

Is hiking bad for your heart?

hiking healthy

Is hiking bad for your heart? The answer is no. Overall, hiking is reported to lower the likelihood of heart attack and heart disease. The more hiking you do, the more Vitamin D you are exposed to, which will help decrease heart attack or illness.

Hiking for three hours per week will do the job of receiving its benefits. If you could do more, that’s even better.

Hiking can raise your heart rate, like every type of exercise, and your mood. High-elevation hiking, although, is associated with heart attack risk.

This does not mean you are prone to a heart attack if you hike. Mountain climbers and people hiking to the extreme may have to watch for potential heart problems. Hiking increases the ability of the heart to pump blood efficiently to the lungs.

Is hiking bad for your back?

hiking back pain

Is hiking bad for your back? The answer is no. When hiking is done correctly and is not overdone, it will not be bad for your back.

Back pain can intensify if you are hiking and are not following the correct techniques. Proper hiking techniques can minimize injuries, release endorphins, improve circulation, relieve stiffness, and strengthen muscles.

With that being said, if you have back pain, some of it can be relieved by hiking and its benefits.

People who are hiking with back pain should maybe consult a coach and see what type of hiking they should do, how long they should do it, and what kind of stretches they should do before to reduce the risk of further back pain.

Is hiking bad for your knees?

Is hiking bad for your knees? The answer is no. Yes, hiking can cause pain in your knees, especially when walking uphill or downhill, but if you follow the correct precautions when hiking and take it easy, hiking itself will not be bad for your knees.

Pain is avoidable, and you can build a tolerance. Hiking does not have to hurt. Protecting your knees when hiking, whether with a brace or not, will keep you pain-free so you can enjoy your hike.

Hiking does take a toll on the joints in your knees, and you may get some knee pain, but hiking gear sold at local shops will help prevent this.

Hiking gear can also be found on Amazon, where you can purchase it for low and affordable prices. On Amazon, it will show you customer ratings of each product and how particular hiking gear has personally helped them on their hikes.

Is hiking bad for pregnancy?

hiking pragnancy

Is hiking bad for pregnancy? The answer is no. Hiking when pregnant is not something that should be avoided. You may want to check in with your doctor for reassurance, but overall, hiking will not have a negative effect on your pregnancy.

Hiking is a good way for pregnant women to exercise and get out of the house. Taking it easy on the hiking trail and maybe hiking on a simplistic trail would be in your best interest if pregnant. Hiking when you are pregnant is suitable for both muscular and cardio strength. It is a low-impact form of exercise to take on.


Is hiking bad for the hips?

hiking knee pain

Is hiking bad for the hips? The answer is no. Yes, hiking can cause hip pain, but this hip pain can be avoided. It is not inevitable.

Ways to prevent hip injuries or pain are purchasing the proper hiking boots and lacing them differently, having a well-fitted pack, trekking poles, and stretching. Taking rests in-between your hike when needed, readjusting your backpack, and stretching more during the hike, can also be done.

Three hip exercises for a healthier hike are starfish planks, clock reaches, and running-man lunges. Core strength is the key to avoiding hip pain due to hiking. Glute exercises that assist you before your hike include bridges, squats, hip thrusters, and step-ups/cross-overs.

Do not fill your backup to the top with unneeded items. Water is a must, but things not required during the hike should not be included in your backpack. Your backpack is extra weight that you have to carry, and the more you carry, the more the chance of you hurting your hips.

That said, keep it as light as possible for your benefit. A pack that comes with a replacement hip belt can also be a positive thing for the health of your hips.

Is hiking every day bad for you?

Is hiking every day bad for you? The answer is no. Hiking can be a daily workout. Just like people go to the gym daily, you can replace that with hiking regularly.

Hiking is just as good of a workout as going to the gym. Not only can hiking reduce your risk of developing heart disease, but it can also :

  • improve your blood level and sugar
  • boost your bone density
  • improve your balance
  • help in controlling your weight
  • help with anxiety.

We, as humans, were built and meant to enjoy the outside. Knowing the trail you are about to take on is crucial because you will be familiar with the type of terrain it has. If you want to take it easy one day on your body, you can pick a trail with easy terrain that will not require much endurance and strength.

If you are up for the challenge another day, you can pick a trail that will challenge you and have you working every muscle in your body. Hiking truly can make you strong. Taking time for yourself and reconnecting with the world around you can also be done by hiking.

Imagine if you could reconnect with the world around you and take a little time for yourself every day? Set aside time out of your day to hike whenever possible because it will improve you.


As you can see, hiking is a positive thing everyone should partake in. Hiking, as stated before, is a mind, body, and soul exercise.

Hiking is a full-body form of exercise as well. If you are interested in going for a hike after reading about its benefits, make sure to prepare yourself for your hike correctly and do further research on the topic online. Other stretches you can do before your hiking workout can be found on YouTube.

Bring a hiking buddy if you can, and have a whistle when you hike. A whistle is good because if you get lost in a bad situation, you can blow the whistle to get people’s attention around you. Sometimes there is no cell service, so it is not best to rely on your cell phone to do the job. Enjoy your hike and take every moment of it in!

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